DAE Quality Test

The DAE Quality Test measures how well the drive can extract audio tracks.
First some audio sectors are extracted to the HD at three different locations on the CD.
The same sectors are read again and compared to the sectors written to HD.
Depending on the number of differences, the DAE quality will be rated from 0 to 10.
10 means perfect DAE (no differences).

Next Nero CD Speed will try to determine whether the drive supports accurate streaming.
When accurate streaming is not supported the drive is unable to locate the requested audio location at any time.

If your drive does not get a perfect score with this test (10/10 and Accurate Stream checked) it is highly recommended to use a CD ripper with a verify function to extract audio tracks.
Nero CD DAE is such a program which can be downloaded free of charge at http://www.cdspeed2000.com.